• GilaMonster (1/1/2008)

    Jeff Moden (1/1/2008)

    what a "Triangular Join" actually is? They just don't teach the good stuff in the schools that are supposed to...

    I haven't seen a course that even mentioned that anything other than an equi-join is possible. I showed a join on > recently to a developer I work with and his reaction was "You can do that????"

    And then there's the problem that a lot of people don't want to learn. That's a whole nother discussion.

    You must have slept through that part of the 431 prep...:)

    I've been having some extra time on my hands at home (funny - sometimes you get EXACTLY what you wish for for christmas...), so I've taken some time to get back into some of my resolutions and see if I can finish some of these certs I've been dancing around with for a while, now that I am back into consulting.

    Not real in depth, but since the collection is targeted at being a primer, I wouldn't expect it to. But still - Inner, left/right/full outer, cross join, equijoins, self-joins, Non-equijoins (come on - who can name the five types of non-equijoins?), cross/outer apply. And they finish off with EXCEPT and INTERSECT, and a small discussion about UNION, UNION ALL, TOP and TABLESAMPLE (that was a new one for me - never had occasion to use it).

    ...and for those dying for the answer to today's quiz... the five types of non-equijoins are: comparison, inequality, range, conversion, and expression...

    In case you're looking for it - it's in the "collection 2778" in MS learning (although that has gotten VERY pricey since I ordered it).

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?