Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 SQL Server Newbies odbc connection has two instance of the same server, trying to get rid of one RE: odbc connection has two instance of the same server, trying to get rid of one

  • Case does not matter when picking the server. Try it with the IP address instead of the server name to verify it works. Also As I stated before can you connect in QA?

    The list that the ODBC connection setup has does not mean that it is forsure the MSSQL Instance name. In other words my server name may be Server1 and the MSSQL Instance name be SQLServer\inst1. This type of ODBC connection with a named instance also will only work if it is listed in DNS so it can resolve. Also MSSQL Server must be configured to allow named pipes.

    Does this make sense? Please verify that you can connect with QA and also please try to use the IP address to verify that you are at least hitting the SQL Server instance.

    Then let us know the result.