• Doug Krawec (12/18/2007)


    Thanks for the explanation.

    Yes, I am using SQL Server login rather than Windows Authentication. We have created a SQL Login of the form "ApplicationUser" with access to the single application database. The database I'm restoring is a copy of Production which is being used on a development box.

    Is there a standard script that can be used to reset this SID on the restored database to match that of the instance of the SQL Server your are restoring to? I would assume you would need to check for the existence of "ApplicationUser".


    the following sql is what I do in sql2000, I believe sql2005 has a system procedure to do it, maybe a google search will give you the name of the proc. here you go.

    /*restore the database*/

    restore database yourdbname from disk='d:\dropit\backup.BAK'


    /*allow update system tables*/

    sp_configure 'allow update', 1

    reconfigure with override

    /*get the sid*/

    select sid,name from syslogins where name='yourloginname'

    /*update system table to match the sid*/

    update yourdbname..sysusers set sid=0x91729E827E48874A8883B8E08A9426F8 where name='yourloginname'

    /*not allow update system tables*/

    sp_configure 'allow update', 0

    reconfigure with override