• try these: you're looking at multi page allocations as a %age of single and on the buckets you're looking at length of the chains ( high is maybe not good )

    select name, type, buckets_count, buckets_in_use_count,

    buckets_min_length, buckets_max_length, buckets_avg_length

    from sys.dm_os_memory_cache_hash_tables

    where type = 'CACHESTORE_SQLCP' or type = 'CACHESTORE_OBJCP';

    select type, name, memory_node_id, single_pages_kb, multi_pages_kb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks

    where type = 'CACHESTORE_SQLCP' or type = 'CACHESTORE_OBJCP';

    select name, type, single_pages_kb, multi_pages_kb,

    single_pages_in_use_kb, multi_pages_in_use_kb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters

    where type = 'CACHESTORE_SQLCP' or type = 'CACHESTORE_OBJCP';

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]