• Oh - this is a topic after my own heart..it has been a pet peeve for many, many years - communication skills or the lack thereof - I blame it all on the fact that most people don't like to read as much any more (thanks to the Internet, TV etc.) - so when they do take the time to communicate in writing, their spellings are phonetic interpretations - is their anyone hear hoo disagrees ?! How much easier it is then to communicate in letters and not words - no room for spelling errors - no time-consuming typing - and "if you don't get it, you don't get it!"

    I would like a glossary for the uninitiated next time but for now am happy to say that I got an expansion for almost all acronymns used in this editorial from the (young) technical writer in our office who was crushed & devastated by the ones she did not know - "oh no" she cried - "...and here I was thinking I was so hip!"

    Well - it was a crushing blow to me too - the realization that I will never be hip or cool or "with it"..doomed to be an anachonistic anomaly for as long as I live! However, I have a parting shot for all those who do communicate in this pesky fashion...SUE PEBKAC!!! :hehe:

    Pjones: I enjoyed the JIPOD story! 😀

    ps:Actually, I think I may still want that glossary...someone...anyone ?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**