• Jack Corbett (11/16/2007)

    While I agree with this point, I think the point of the editorial is that technology has made it easier to steal data. I can get 1000's of SSN's in under a second with a thumb drive and only 1 in the same amount of time using pen and paper.

    It really is a people issue, but there are unethical people out there in every industry so you have to do your best to slow them down.

    I have mixed feelings about thumb drives because I really don't know how much of an improvement that will be. Unless you purposely go after infrared and bluetooth, you haven't done yourself a whole lot of good. And as soon as you go after bluetooth, you limit some of the wireless keyboard and mouse combos which we see in use. That means you're back to USBs meaning now you've got to stay a step ahead on the portable devices. Not exactly fun.

    Also, the tried and true method of generating a print out and then taking that out with your other papers will still work. And as good as some of the OCRs are nowadays, it's a trivial exploit.

    Technology can only help somewhat. You are right, and others who have posted here are, too, in that this is a people problem. Good hiring policies, good awareness policies and proper training, engendering a sense of loyalty to the organization (which means the organization has to show loyalty and treat employees with dignity and respect) all come into play in order to try and reduce the threat.

    K. Brian Kelley