• Brandie,

    Thanks again for the additional info. Will definately keep these things in mind. I have already scripted out all of the jobs and stored them away. The server and instance names are going to be staying the same. We do use full text catalog and I found an article that mentioned that they are automatically carried over with the backup so it looks like I will not need to do anything manually for those. We are not really using DTS packages, so that aspect looks like it is covered as well.

    Thanks for the heads up regarding copying the database vs moving it. I plan on simply restoring a full back up, making sure that no one is chaning data and then doing a differential and applying that on top of the full to ensure that all transactions are captured. I have also scripted out the server logins and will simply run those out as well. I am not sure about the ftp links and file shares but will definately find out about it and ensure those get transfered over as well.

    This should be a good learning experience. 🙂

    Thanks again,
