Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Backups Does trace flag 3226 suppress success messages on SQL2K? RE: Does trace flag 3226 suppress success messages on SQL2K?

  • > is this the blog entry u r talking about?

    The blog entry that suggests "dbcc traceon (3226)", yes.

    > sure u don't have it off in startup param?

    Well, since I never even heard of this trace flag before last week, it would be really hard for it to be specified explicitly in the startup.

    Even if it were, I find no startup option in BOL to turn a trace flag OFF at startup; only to them them ON. Probably because all trace flags simply default to off on startup.

    And no matter what happens at startup, it should turn on (immediately) once I issue the DBCC command, as I have several times now. At least that's what I thought from reading BOL, etc.

    Am I reading it correctly?

    I did add "-T3226" to the startup params, to try turning it ON that way, the next time SQL is started. That will be on the next scheduled reboot Thursday night. But it seems like the DBCC solution ought to work.