• Oracle's boss is Larry Ellision, he did anything to try to be number one. Oracle is behind Microsoft right now. After he took over Peoplesoft, he just bought Hyperion. In an article I read a while ago in Time or Newsweek magazine, he was arrogant, competitive and rude.

    I worked with Oracle consultants a lot, when you bought Oracle, you needed to hire Oracle consultant, the damn thing was so complicated that no one knew what to do when they got it from the box. Most of the independent consultants were very nice. But the one who worked at Oracle somehow got Larry's influence - arrogant and rude. Even the Oracle DBAs attitude were different from SQL Server DBAs. They felt they were more superior. Maybe just the Oracle DBAs I met !!!!

    As far as programming, Oracle SQL is the same as SQL Server SQL - FALSE. PL/SQL = T-SQL - FALSE.

    Just don't tell the recruiters.