• Thanks much Joe - almost there...

    Please look here as well.. http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.sqlserver.reportingsvcs/browse_thread/thread/bf2c5abf4b75b8ce/ee66f4ba0e4fe0bc?hl=en#ee66f4ba0e4fe0bc

    I have read many, many articles and have tried many methods however - I still cannot link a "Parent DataRegion" to a "Child DataRegion" unless I use subreports and their intrinsic "Parameter" properties.

    I can:

    - Create multiple dataregions

    - Attach a different dataset to each region (tables or lists)

    - Embed a dataregion(table) inside another(list)

    I cannot:

    - Link the two together... it's easy for MS to say in their articles but I have yet to see it in action.

    My best example would be a Client which has multiple Contacts and also multiple Products. The parent would show Client X's name and all the Contacts for Client X.  Then beneath that would be all the Products for Client X.  After that would be the next client...Client Y, and so on...

    So - I think a "Table" as the Parent grouped by ClientID showing the Client name and Contacts, then a "Nested Table" as the child, linked also by ClientID which shows the clients Products.

    I still cannot get this to work and denormalization does not help me either.  Any help again is appreciated.