• Jeff, thats a fair question. Dont know that my answer will do it justice, but here goes. I can see a few developers posting code bits, but you're right, probably not a lot. I think a blog about db related critical incidents would be very valuable, what happened, how long to fix, what was the fix, something that goes beyond the 'server is up again' email. Or a blog about perf improvements, what you tuned, how much gain, how it impacts the company/application.

    Blogs are about communicating and we can pick our media; email, IM, blog, web report, conference call, in person meeting, wiki (sorta). Each have their place but we tend to overuse email. It's a great thing to allow senior mgrs to see a bit of what goes on 2 or more levels down, and definitely to see what goes on with their direct reports - things that wouldn't merit an email. Results of a team building trip. Someone speaking at a local user group event. New employees joining the team. Blogs are an easy and informal way to communicate some stuff that might be technical or to personalize what can be a very faceless business. The more transparency we can create the better the business will do.

    Different standards for internal vs external blogs. Internally posts should be professional, but its absolutely ok to voice frustration occasionally, just think about who would read it and are they seeing enough of the story to see where your frustration comes from. External blogs are different, look at the recent Google fiasco around medical records.

    I work at very small company so we do email and phone, no need for blogs internally at this point. Externally we communicate monthly to our customer/prospects, and we issue the rare formal press release. My SSC blog kinda splits the difference, they can see some of my professional thoughts that relate to the business, but it's a me blog, not a company blog.

    Blogs don't take a lot of time, I spend maybe 5 minutes typing in each of mine. I'd think most companies would be ok with that, but worse case you come in 5 mins early to work!

    Looking at this, Im not sure I've said it well - which is generally a sign that I need to have a good conversation about it with someone to help crytalize whats important, or not!