• Thats a great piece of code and I have managed to get it to work with a few of my data driven subscriptions. However, I have a data driven subscription in RS 2000 enterprise that uses the follwing parameter;

    SELECT * FROM [Reports Ledger]

    WHERE [Report ID] = 'AR002'


     DATEDIFF(n,  CONVERT ( datetime, CAST(DATEPART(yyyy,[DATE POSTED]) AS varchar(4))+'-'+CAST(DATEPART(dd,[DATE POSTED]) AS varchar(2))+'-'+CAST(DATEPART(mm,[DATE POSTED]) AS varchar(2))+' '+

     CAST(DATEPART(hh,  [Time Posted] ) AS varchar(2)) +':'+ CAST(DATEPART(mi, [Time Posted] ) AS varchar(2))+':'+ CAST(DATEPART(s, [Time Posted] ) AS varchar(2)), 103),

      GETDATE()) <= 3000

    AND STATUS = 0

    I have implemented an RS 2005 Standard environment which I am currently testing. So far I have been unable to pass this parameter into the data_driven_subscription stored proc. Firstly am I actually able to pass this kind of code using RS 2005 Standard and the modified data_driven_subscription stored proc? If yes then what am I doing wrong?

