• I work for a major investment bank and we use DBArtisan on Sybase ASE to an extent.   It does the job very well but is one of the buggiest apps I've ever used, (even compared to Windows :p).  We (developers) have been barred from using it on production databases as it does such a bad job of handling errors - leaving code running when it should've been cancelled - code still running when you're not even in the application anymore etc.

    That combined with pretty poor GUI mgmt (have you ever clicked on a button on DBArtisan and it doesn't capture the click but you end up clicking on a window which is behind DBArtisan!?!?!) - it's quite an interesting concept lol.  Not to mention the guaranteed crash whenever you close the application down.... clean exit anyone?  Never with DBArtisan. 

    All said and done, it's still a brilliant tool and I put up with the above annoyances and use this instead of isql / SQL Advantage and I don't generally use much of the other fancy functionality within the tool (Performance centre etc which I think someones already mentioned).