• Hey Eddie!

    I like this conversation very much!

    Try this with only 100.000 recs!

    if object_id ('tempdb.dbo.#TimeTrial') is not null drop table #TimeTrial

    create table #TimeTrial (id integer identity(1,1), Event varchar (20), datestart datetime default getdate (), dateend datetime null)

    declare @counter integer

    set @counter=1

    while @counter<13


      insert #TimeTrial (Event) values ('Richard')

      update HexTest set ASCIIValue = dbo.f_hextostr (HexValue)

      update #TimeTrial set dateend=getdate() where id=@counter

      set @counter=@counter+1

      insert #TimeTrial (Event) values ('Eddie')

      update HexTest set ASCIIValue = dbo.fn_HexToAlpha (HexValue)

      update #TimeTrial set dateend=getdate() where id=@counter

      set @counter=@counter+1


    select *, dateend-datestart as diff from #TimeTrial order by id

    The result:

    1 Richard 00:00:17.333

    2 Eddie 00:00:08.283

    3 Richard 00:00:06.610

    4 Eddie 00:00:08.010

    5 Richard 00:00:06.420

    6 Eddie 00:00:08.000

    7 Richard 00:00:06.520

    8 Eddie 00:01:02.360

    9 Richard 00:00:06.460

    10 Eddie 00:00:07.780

    11 Richard 00:00:06.510

    12 Eddie 00:00:07.803

    Conclusions: The first runs (1-2) must be eliminated, our data not in cash yet. The runs 7-8 must be eliminated, Your result totally differs from others ( really sometimes I don't know, what the hell is running on background), the rest results are comparable.

    By the way: our functions are able to run faster, if:

    You eliminate the UPPER function (suppose the HEX string is correct);

    I eliminate the IF part (suppose the HEX string is correct)

    Best regards: Richard