• Loner - if you do everything the men in your office do, and you have the same (or better) qualifications, and you are being paid less, you need to do something about it. But that's a choice only you can make.


    Salary is a very touchy subject.  As I said before a lot of company the pay scale of the same position can vary,  they can use any reason to argue why you don't get paid as much as the other guy.  Unless it is very clear that it is the "gender" issue that I get paid less, I have no case to argue. 

    I got paid less from my first job, my second job gave me a 10% increase and so on...., so in this job they gave me a 10% increase more than my last job.  They thought it was a very good offer, so did I.  But most men got paid more in their first job so everytime they changed job, they got more and more, so my company offered a job to this guy, his previous salary was higher than mine already, so they had to pay him more even he had less experience.   It is a cycle.  Unless the government or my company suddenly gives woman a big raise, woman will never catch up.

    Chris, I understand how your wife feels.  I found out the other guys in my department had a higher salary by accident even they had less experiences. Even my boss gave me an exceptional performance review you still feel very unfair.