• Yes Chris, that is the article. The whole paragraph from which you selectively quoted is:

    What about the headlines saying that even when their jobs are the same, men get paid more than women? Isn't that especially true in corporate America? Yes. But according to Catalyst, a nonprofit that advocates for gender equality in the business world, men are nine times more likely to be responsible for bottom-line sales, marketing and finances, not human resources or public relations.

    There's nothing confusing there. To give you an example from my workplace, the Director of IT (probably, and rightfully) makes more than the Director of PR or HR. Why? Because his job is more important to the day-to-day aspects of business. He's in charge of making the technology decisions that will allow everyone here to do their job better, faster, etc. He has to make sure his budget can accomodate our needs, as well as handle any emergencies that come up. The HR director has to decide which person will make a more reliable mailroom messenger.

    Greg - thanks for being a voice of reason. For the record, I'm married, no kids, and the wife and I are looking at houses right now so we have someplace to raise a family.