• i think this can be fixed simply by adding some code to either the button that submits the data, or the Sub Page_Load event; the page will have all the values that were submitted, so it would be something like this: i suspect that the submission page either explictly sets the current values to be blank on_load, or simply allows them to be initialized, and they have no value..... by not init-ing them on IsPostBack, the data would remain in place...similar to when you submit username/password, and the password is bad, and you leave the username in place, awaiting a change to the password...

    Behind the scenes, an error like invalid viewstate is probably being raised because the session timed out (or the application was restarted...same effect);

    simply find the block of code that handles the submit button and in the Try..Catch...don't allow the objects to be initialized, or maybe assign the fields back their value... it's either the submit button or page load events that are wiping the data.

    in Page_Load :

    If IsPostBack then

    'don't init, let the values remain....or assign or ave the values and reassign them? hard to say without the code.


    'initing the textboxes to be blank?

    End If


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