• OK, just got me with the explanation and I forgot the copy/paste.


    OK, the word from my hot new UK developers with lots of .NET and ASP experience is that it's my fault. They think they've reproduced it a few times in a VM and are fairly confident this is it.

    When we went to these ASP.NET forums, we ran into some issues with memory leaks. Actually we didn't know until we had already moved for awhile, but periodically we'd get a "server unavailable" message where all ASP.NET stuff was gone, but the ASP still worked.

    So in my very finite web knowledge, I did what any good IIS administrator would do: I set a recycle for the application pool. I set up twice a day, worked great, and life was good.

    Well over the years as we've gotten complaints, I had increased that to 6 times a day and as of the server move a few weeks ago it went to every hour. The very talented Stephen D and Steve S at Red Gate (I'm Steve#3), discovered this recycle will lose the session. Which makes the application flip and it doesn't take the post.

    So, if you're catching the recycle, whether you've been on the post page for 2 hours or 2 minutes, you lose the text.

    They're looking at some Javascript to save to a cookie or something else, but we'd love any suggestions you have.

    Saving my text now