• I have recently created a solution for this for all servers (not just SQL).  All that it requires is that you have WMI running on the servers that you wish to monitor.  It makes use of the winmgmts object to gather the disk size and free space for all available logical disks.

    STEP 1.

    Pick a server where you want to record the monitoring and create a database called Monitor with tables and user name as follows:

    Use Monitor


    Create table logtable (id int identity(1,1), notes varchar(1000), date datetime default getdate())


    Create Table Servers(ServerName varchar(128))


    Create Table FreeSpace(Computer varchar(128),

    Drive varchar(2),DiskSize decimal(28,5)

    ,FreeSpace decimal(28,5),Percentage decimal (10,5), Date datetime)


    use master


    sp_addlogin 'diskuser','disk','Monitor'


    use Monitor


    sp_adduser 'diskuser'


    sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter','Diskuser'


    sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader','Diskuser'


    STEP 2 - insert the names of the servers you would like to monitor.  For example:

    Insert into Servers select 'SERVER1'

    Insert into Servers select 'SERVER2'  etc, etc....

    Note:  I have also added some columns to the server table for things like a server category and a primary and secondary support person.

    STEP 3

    Create a VBS script to get the data and insert into the tables.  Here is a copy of my script, this will do some word wrapping so you will have to fix it in your script.

    'Objective: Find Disk Free Space in all the listed servers in a table and write to a database table

    on error resume next

    Const MBCONVERSION= 1048576 

    Dim AdCn

    Dim ErrorSQL

    Dim AdRec

    Dim i, SQL

    Set AdCn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set AdRec = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    Set AdRec1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")


    AdCn.Open = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=YOURSERVER;Initial Catalog=Monitor;user id = 'diskuser';password='disk' "

    SQL1 = "Select ServerName from Servers"


    AdRec1.Open SQL1, AdCn,1,1


    ErrorSQL="insert into logtable(notes) values ('Disk Monitoring Started')"

    AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1


    while not Adrec1.EOF

    Computer = Adrec1("ServerName")


    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts://" & Computer)

    'wscript.echo err.number

    If err.number <> 0 then

     ErrorSQL="insert into logtable(notes) values ('" + Computer + ":  Error-- " + Err.description+ "')"

     AdRec.Open ErrorSQL, AdCn,1,1


     Set colLogicalDisk = objWMIService.InstancesOf("Win32_LogicalDisk") 

      If err.number <> 0 then

       ErrorSQL="insert into logtable(notes) values ('" + Computer + ":   Error-- " + Err.description+ "')"


       For Each objLogicalDisk In colLogicalDisk 

       if objLogicalDisk.drivetype=3 then

        SQL = "Insert into FreeSpace (Computer,Drive,DiskSize,FreeSpace,Percentage,date) values('"_

        &Computer&"','" & objLogicalDisk.DeviceID &"',"& objLogicalDisk.size/MBCONVERSION &_

         "," & objLogicalDisk.freespace/MBCONVERSION &_

         "," &((objLogicalDisk.freespace/MBCONVERSION)/(objLogicalDisk.size/MBCONVERSION))*100_

        &",'" &now() &"')"

        AdRec.Open SQL, AdCn,1,1

       end if



      end if

    end if







    AdRec.Open "insert into logtable(notes) values ('Disk Monitoring - Completed')", AdCn,1,1

    STEP 4

    Save the above into a VBS file on your server where you created the database and schedule it to run using Windows Schedule.  Make sure that if you are crossing domains that you pick a "run as" login for the Schedule that would have Admin rights to all the servers in the list.

    I schedule mine to run once per day and have written a few ReportingService reports out of it.  You could easily create a subscription to email a list of server results that drop below a certain percentage of free space.