• the most important word was "incrementally".

    start small.  simple procedure to keep a modest snowflake going (sales, custs, prods, time  ... 4 tables).  do NOT jump right into Analysis Serv. and all that.

    then, start showing some users something.  you will sometimes amaze them with just the basics.  i find that a nice little ad hoc qry tool that they can pound on the snowflake with reaps great rewards.  little by little the light bulbs start going on.  then you can begin the great adventure

    and about the 80/20 rule...it's about ROI.  20% of the effort gets 80% of the reward.  so do some little things first.  just to get users to open their eyes.

    and i don't mean to belittle them.  but they have so few tools at their disposal in most companies outside of the ERP.