• Here's a VBScript to check for SA accounts with no password or a password of "SA". Found base code on a Microsoft newsgroup and modified it slightly. This is limited to searching a subnet but came in very handy recently. Save code as AUDITSA.VBS, then execute using the following:


    This creates a text file (SRVLIST.TXT) that identifies the servers at risk...

    Contents of AUDITSA.VBS:


    'Audit subnet for Servers with blank sa password

    Dim oApp

    Dim oServer

    Dim oDatabase

    Dim oNames

    Dim oName

    Dim oTotalSvr

    Dim oTotalBlank

    Dim oTotalSA

    oTotalSvr = 0

    oTotalBlank = 0

    oTotalSA = 0

    Set oApp = CreateObject("SQLDMO.Application")

    Set oNames = oApp.ListAvailableSQLServers()

    On Error Resume Next

    For Each oName In oNames

    Set oServer = CreateObject("SQLDmo.SqlServer")

    oTotalSvr = oTotalSvr + 1

    oServer.LoginSecure = False

    oServer.LoginTimeout= 30

    oServer.Connect oName,"sa",""

    If Err.Number=0 Then

    WScript.Echo "!!!Server " & oName & " has a blank sa password"

    WScript.Echo oServer.VersionString

    WScript.Echo ""

    oTotalBlank = oTotalBlank + 1

    End If

    If Err.Number<>0 Then

    oServer.Connect oName,"sa","sa"

    If Err.Number=0 Then

    WScript.Echo "!!!Server " & oName & " has a sa password equal to SA"

    WScript.Echo oServer.VersionString

    WScript.Echo ""

    oTotalSA = oTotalSA + 1

    End If

    End If


    Set oServer = Nothing



    Wscript.Echo "Total Servers Checked: " & oTotalSvr

    Wscript.Echo "Total Servers w/Blank Password: " & oTotalBlank

    Wscript.Echo "Total Servers w/Password of SA: " & oTotalSA


    Set oApp = Nothing
