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    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetDateTimeOfIsoWeek](@WeekYearNumber int, @DayNumber int)

    RETURNS datetime



    -- GetDateTimeOfIsoWeek


    -- According to ISO 8601, the first week of the year (week 1) is the week

    -- that contains at least the first four days of the year. In other words,

    -- the week that contains the first Thursday of a year is also week 1 of that year.

    -- Also note that according to ISO 8601 a week always starts on a Monday.

    -- if 01-01=Monday  then 01-04=Thursday -> 01-01=week  1 AND 01-04=week 1

    -- if 01-01=Thuesday then 01-04=Friday -> 01-01=week  1 AND 01-04=week 1

    -- if 01-01=Wednesday then 01-04=Saterday -> 01-01=week  1 AND 01-04=week 1

    -- if 01-01=Thursday then 01-04=Sunday -> 01-01=week  1 AND 01-04=week 1

    -- if 01-01=Friday  then 01-04=Monday -> 01-01=week 52 AND 01-04=week 1

    -- if 01-01=Saterday then 01-04=Thuesday -> 01-01=week 52 AND 01-04=week 1

    -- if 01-01=Sunday  then 01-04=Wednesday-> 01-01=week 52 AND 01-04=week 1


    -- 4th jan. of indicated year is always in week 1

    -- week 1 always starts on Monday, just like other weeks

    -- 4th jan. must be Thursday, Friday, Saterday or Sunday if 01-01 is in week 1

    -- 1th jan. must be Monday, Thuesday, Wednesday or Thursday if 01-01 is in week 1



    -- Created On:  19 december 2006

    -- Created By:  martijn Schuurmans

    --  Variables:

    --  * @WeekYearNumber:

    --     like 200752, 200453, etc.

    --  * @DayNumber: 

    --     1 = Monday

    --     2 = Thuesday

    --     3 = Wednesday

    --     4 = Thursday

    --     5 = Friday

    --     6 = Saterday

    --     7 = Sunday



     -- Declare the return variable here

     DECLARE @DayId int

     DECLARE @WeekNumber int

     DECLARE @YearNumber int

     DECLARE @FunctionResult datetime

     -- validate input, we don't like negative WeekYear numbers

     SET @WeekYearNumber = ABS(@WeekYearNumber)

     IF @DayNumber < 1

      SET @DayNumber = 1

     IF @DayNumber > 7

      SET @DayNumber = 7

     -- get WeekId without Year Number

     SET @WeekNumber = right(@WeekYearNumber, 2)

     -- get YearId from @YearNumber

     SET @YearNumber =


      -- like: 52

      WHEN @WeekYearNumber < 100 THEN YEAR(GETDATE())

      -- like: 0752

      WHEN @WeekYearNumber < 10000 THEN (LEFT(YEAR(GETDATE()),2)*100) + left(@WeekYearNumber, 2)

      -- like: 200752

      ELSE LEFT(@WeekYearNumber, 4)


     -- get datevalue of monday in week 1 of indicated year

     -- get datevalue of 1th jan. of indicated year

     SET @FunctionResult = CAST((CAST(@YearNumber AS char(4))+ '0101') AS datetime)

     -- determine day of week for 01-01-YearNumber

     -- make corrections for server settings (=@@DATEFIRST)

     SET @DayId = DATEPART(dw, @FunctionResult) + @@DATEFIRST - 1

     IF @DayId > 7 

      SET @DayId = @DayId - 7

     -- determine the correction that is needed on 01-01-YearNumber day to get to Monday of week 1

     -- @DayId: 1=Monday; 2=Thuesday; 3=Wednesday; 4=Thursday; 5=Friday; 6=Saterday; 7=Sunday

     SET @DayId =

      CASE @DayId

      WHEN 1 THEN 0  -- if weekday of 01-01=Monday    then: no correction

      WHEN 2 THEN -1  -- if weekday of 01-01=Thuesday  then: Monday of W1 is 1 day before 01-01

      WHEN 3 THEN -2  -- if weekday of 01-01=Wednesday then: Monday of W1 is 2 days before 01-01

      WHEN 4 THEN -3  -- if weekday of 01-01=Thursday  then: Monday of W1 is 3 days before 01-01

      WHEN 5 THEN 3  -- if weekday of 01-01=Friday    then: Monday of W1 is 3 days after 01-01

      WHEN 6 THEN 2  -- if weekday of 01-01=Saterday  then: Monday of W1 is 2 days after 01-01

      WHEN 7 THEN 1  -- if weekday of 01-01=Sunday    then: Monday of W1 is 1 day after 01-01


     -- this is datevalue of monday in week 1 of indicated year

     SET @FunctionResult = DATEADD(dd, @DayId, @FunctionResult)


     -- get last day of week, this is always sunday

     -- and make correction for given @DayNumer

     SET @FunctionResult = DATEADD(dd, ((@WeekNumber * 7) + @DayNumber - 8), @FunctionResult)

