• Excellent observations!

    My value add? ... Good managers DO NOT need to be past technical experts! Some of my best managers (in my technical life) have been non-tech backgrounds. They knew how to mange and lead. Emphasis here is on both MANAGE and LEAD. Technical attributes are a 'nice to have'.

    Over the years, I too have worked for a broad range of managers, and like most others, walked ASAP if things were bad and did not improve. Many companies and departments do not have the mechanisms in place to notice these sort of trends as they only care about short term results, and not notice how they got them. It is not intentional, it is just the way their management practices are set up.

    My one note of value here is that the best places I have worked at, invested and supported leadership training. The places that did not, well I have a fovourite comment from a co-worker many years ago that these places "are like cess pools, where all the $#!& floats to the top" unchecked.

    Good management characteristics? Honesty, positive cameraderie, integrity, and professionalism.