• Hi Steve, belated congrats on your windfall.

    I've been following the debate from a distance this time but considering you did request responses...

    I appreciate that you are trying to appear "Master-in-Chief" of the site and in no way am I questioning RG's motivations (although previous threads have alluded to some) but I struggle to see how you will be able to maintain the independence of the site. Phil Factor's article reflects the exception and not the rule and the reason for that is people generally like having steady remuneration.

    Like others, I'm waiting to see what will happen in '07 but this could be put on a par with hotmail's sale to MS and those advantages are still vague.

    Something that would provide ease of mind to some would be the inclusion of a list of all comparable SQL Tools, with full technical reviews and pricing. Surely if a company is aiming to be market leader in the technical services arena it should be based on technical proficiency and allow the product to speak for itself?

    Good luck!
