• That 64% who still code in VB6 doesn't surprise me.  I've been at the same company for 10 years, where we wrote an OK VB6 app 10 years ago, and then an excellent VB6 app 8 years ago.  I would love to get away from those VB6 apps.  I have developed a hatred for VB6; its IDE is so primative compared to VB.NET.  But, we have half the developers we did when we wrote those two apps, and I hate to say it but the caliber of developers now working for us is not what it was when we authored those apps all those years ago.  So, we're stuck in a developers' hell of maintenance of patches and just keeping our heads above water.  Fortunately, we've been able to convert portions of the oldest app to VB.NET and ASP.NET, and that has helped tremendously, but the original apps live on like Hydra as we struggle with herculean effort to kill them.


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