• Thanks for you replies.


    I have ran the update usage command and now the values are as folows:


    Databasename  database size    unallocated space

    InquieroSB        467.44 MB         43.65 MB


    Reserved          data                 index_size         unused

    432936 KB         365776 KB         53896 KB          13264 KB


    I have some questions, can you can help me understand this:

    - What is the diference between unallocated space and unused space

    - In the event of running DBCC SHRINKFILE TRUNCATEONLY commend what is the space recovered (unallocated space or unused space ?)

    - can I ran DBCC SHRINKFILE TRUNCATEONLY in multi-user mode , I mean can I ran it if there is someone using the database ?

    - Can i recover some space by simple doing a reindex? What is the command that I can use  - DBCC DBREINDEX or DBCC INDEXDEFRAG ?

