• If you guys tried to attend all QOD question then you would have came accross one DLL Hell question. This is another way of asking the same question

    See the old question below =>

    Thanks, Sree

    Question: Everyone has heard of DLL hell, but DBAs know only too well about object-version hell. Which object has a limited versioning capability in MSSQL 2000?

    Contributed by R. Kevin Gunther

    Correct Answer: Stored Procedures

    You Answered: DTS Packages

    Total Participants: 1768

    Total Correct Answers: 356 or 20.1% of participants

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    Stored procedures allow you to "version" them by appending a ";#" to the end of the name. All stored procedures are named "objectname;1", with the ";1" implicit (and thus invisible). Interestingly, MSSQL places all versions of the SP in the same code, and under the default object name. So, if you created versions 1-3 of a stored procedure, and then looked in the list of stored procedures in Query Analyzer, you'd only see the original object name, not 3 objects incremented by the ";number" counter. Opening up the stored procedure, you'd see three different CREATE statements, one for each version, all in the same stored procedure. This allows all versions of the stored procedure to be dropped with one DROP statement. Practically, this means that you can have multiple versions of a stored procedure running concurrently in one application, regardless of any differences. However, each version must be called explicitly by its name and number; otherwise, only the default is called.

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    # Who Chose It


    2 (B). DTS Packages



    4 (D). Stored Procedures



    5 (E). Indexes



    1 (A). Tables



    3 (C). Views

