• I agree. I have been using DBCC commands in 2005 for months with few issues. That is an odd phrase.

    This article, will ok, was not a best practices. It was more of a "new stuff" article.

    The author did not mention that the semicolon is a statement terminator used in t-sql. Using 7 and 2000 you could write sql statements for pages and never use a semicolon. In 2005, using the semicolon is still not mandatory; it is ANSI-compliant.

    You will notice that the code from Microsoft uses it and there are a few gotchas. For example, if you use the CTE(which was not mentioned in the article) in a batch of statements, the statement before the CTE definition must have a semicolon.

    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue