• How very strange !!!

    Just to confirm that the exact order of the steps were:

    DBCC REINDEX (on the same index with a fill factor of 90)


    DBCC updateusage ( DatabaseName, NotMyTable)


    sp_spaceused NotMyTable


    Some possibities:

    You have an index with an extremely low fill factor - this should not be the case as the sp_spaceused is showing a low size for index usage of 2008 KB.

    These are all bugs:

    1. sp_spaceused has a bug, possibly with an overflow

    2. DBCC updateusage has a bug and is not recording correct information in the sysindexes table

    3. Space Management has a bug

    4. The table master.dbo.spt_values has a bad value for number of bytes in a page.

    Try running the below SQL which will show the columns used by sp_spaceused from the sysindexes table and post back. just replace "employee" with the real table name.

    declare @pagesBytesinteger

    , @PagesToKbinteger

    select @pagesBytes = d.low

    from master.dbo.spt_values d

    where d.number = 1

    and d.type = 'E'

    set @PagesToKb = @pagesBytes / 1024.0

    select 'sb means should be'

    select @pagesBytesas PageBytes_sb_8096

    , @PagesToKb as KbPerPages_sb_8

    select IndexName

    , indid

    , rows

    , OrigFillFactor

    , ReservedPages

    , DataPages

    , ReservedPages * @PagesToKbas ReservedKb

    , DataPages* @PagesToKbas DataKb

    , ( WorkPages - DataPages ) * @PagesToKb as IndexKb

    from (

    select i.name as IndexName

    , i.indid

    , i.rows

    , i.OrigFillFactor

    , i.reserved

    , i.dpages

    , i.used

    , case when indId in (0, 1, 255) then reserved

    else null


    as ReservedPages

    , case when indId < 2 then dpages

    when indId = 255 then used

    else null


    as DataPages

    , case when indId in (0, 1, 255) then used

    else null


    as WorkPages

    from sysindexes i

    where i.id = object_id ('employees')

    ) as X

    exec sp_spaceused employees


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language