• I see nothing wrong with procedural code if implemeneted properly.  The original code has the problem of being too complex and is also limited in scope.  I ran it up to 7, beyond which my SQL2000 will not be able to generate a plan.  The procedure below is inspired by the original code but is drastically different: it handles large set really fast and dynamic SQL statement is short and recursive (use @debug = 1 to see it).

    To use it, you need to store your values in a table with a single column 'x'.  This procedure permutes r out of n.  Of course you need to make sure r<=n, and be aware that the result set could be substantial (n! / (n-r)! permutations).

    It may not be useful, but just for fun.

    Create Proc sp_permutate (@n smallint, @t varchar(8), @debug bit = 0)



     set nocount on

     declare @sqlStmt varchar(4000), @delim varchar(2)

     declare @i int

     declare @j-2 int

    if @debug = 1 set @delim = char(10) else set @delim = ''

    set @sqlStmt = 'SELECT x' + cast(@n as varchar(2)) + '=X from ' + @t + @delim

    set @i = @n -1

    while @i > 0


     set @j-2 = @n

     set @sqlStmt = 'SELECT x' + cast(@i as varchar(2)) + '=X, T.* from ' + @t +

     ' join (' + @delim + @sqlStmt + ') T on x<>x' + cast(@j as varchar(2))

     set @j-2 = @j-2 - 1

     while @j-2 > @i


      set @sqlStmt = @sqlStmt + ' and x<>x' + cast(@j as varchar(2))

      set @j-2 = @j-2 - 1


     set @sqlStmt = @sqlStmt + @delim

     set @i = @i - 1


     print @sqlStmt

     exec (@sqlStmt)

     set nocount off

