• "You should be aware - no matter what format you use to create a table Query Analyzer or Enterprise Manager will always return your code in First format"

    This is not exactly correct. Take a look at the options that can be used for generating scripts.

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Orders (
     OrderID int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
     CustomerID nchar (5) NULL ,
     EmployeeID int NULL ,
     OrderDate datetime NULL ,
     RequiredDate datetime NULL ,
     ShippedDate datetime NULL ,
     ShipVia int NULL ,
     Freight money NULL CONSTRAINT DF_Orders_Freight DEFAULT (0),
     ShipName nvarchar (40) NULL ,
     ShipAddress nvarchar (60) NULL ,
     ShipCity nvarchar (15) NULL ,
     ShipRegion nvarchar (15) NULL ,
     ShipPostalCode nvarchar (10) NULL ,
     ShipCountry nvarchar (15) NULL

    Not perfect, but more workable.

    The two things I would like to have are,

    1) Place the comma at the start. Like you have, this makes ad-hoc modification much easier.

    2) When scripting select/insert/update statements, have the text wrap at a column you've previously specified, or preferably put each column on a new line like the create does.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface