• Actually, I don't think its a bug per say, its more of I need to get this 64bit edition to market so I can say we support it and I dont care if some of the tools are still 32 bit, DTS being one of them.

    The DTS runtime and its designer tools are not available on the 64-bit platform. You can read data from and write data to a 64-bit system from a 32-bit system running DTS, and you can physically store your DTS packages in a 64-bit SQL Server database. But the DTS packages themselves will not run on the 64-bit platform.

    In addition to DTS being in 32bit, the 64-bit server must be administered remotely from a 32-bit workstation or server. Most of the tools, such as SQL Server Enterprise Manager, SQL Query Analyzer, SQL Profiler, and all of the Analysis Services utilities are not available on SQL Server 2000 (64-bit).