• Hi,  

    I downloaded the update, and replaced the dll's. I guess that's all I need to do...

    I have another issue (more like a confession), possibly out of NYSIIS and LEVENSHTEIN context, but might help others...

    I was using soundex to filter out the results, and udf_levenshtein to sort them, which gave me quite a bit of performance increase, and sounded like a great idea... I was thinking that NYSIIS is an improved soundex, so filtering with soundex would do just fine...

    Well,  it does UNLESS you have punctuation characters such as ' (as in O'brian) ...

    declare @myname varchar(255)

    declare @mydex varchar(4)

    declare @mydex2 varchar(10)

    set @myname = 'o''brian'

    set @mydex = soundex(@myname)

    set @mydex2 = dbo.udf_nysiis(@myname)

    select @mydex --( returns O000)

    select @mydex2 -- (returns OBRAN)


    declare @mydex varchar(4)

    declare @mydex2 varchar(10)

    set @myname = 'obrian'

    set @mydex = soundex(@myname)

    set @mydex2 = dbo.udf_nysiis(@myname)

    select @mydex --( returns O165)

    select @mydex2 --( returns OBRAN )

    So, soundex does NOT eliminate the punctuation errors, but NYSIIS does.

    Just fyi...

    I guess I will be researching some more "optimization"

    Thank you again...