• Has anyone here seen the film "Shattered Glass?" Its about the reporter at the New York Times Stephen Glass who was caught fabricating news stories. It's not the same as plagiarizm, but if the fact finders at the New York Times with a team of background and fact checkers didn't figure it out until he had published something on the order of 20 stories which were completely fabricated, how are you suppossed to check submissions to an on-line publication on SQL Server?

    Your apology is fully accepted.

    The only way I can think of to handle this is to continue trusting submissions unless someone points out a problem. Then if there is such an issue, make sure the details of the case are on the net. From this day forward, googling the name Kalpesh Thaker should pop up his past... "issues?" Hopefully, submissions by this person will not be accepted anywhere for a good long time and maybe some worse things will happen to him. I am not a cruel person by nature, but that is simply uncalled for.

    I love your site and have many a day found solutions to simple and complex issues by reading your articles. Keep up the good work and don't allow this incident to stop any of the great work being done.


    Paul Perrick