• This might be a good time for a plug for my SQLVer Version Tracking article.  (It might be time for me to write a new article on this that describes some updated capabilities).  One new thing this lets you do is have a comment block like:

    /*/ver Here is a version-specific comment.

    This will be saved to sqlver.tblSchemaLog, but will be stripped from the source code of the object.

    This way you can simply execute:
    ver 'MyProcName'

    (ver being a synonym to a SQLVer stored procedure) 

    This will return a reultset of all versions of this object, including date/time/user of the update, the version-specific comments, the actual SQL command executed, and the hash of the cleaned source code.

    Or, you can use a comment like this to update the object-level (i.e. non-version-specific) comments for the object in sqvler.tblSchemaManifest:

    /*/manifest Here is a comment for the object itself.

    This will be saved to sqlver.tblSchemaManifest (replacing any existing comment there), but will be stripped from the source code of the object.