• I appreciate this article Steve and the one you linked to. Actually assigning some measure to technical debt is a great idea.

    I've considered the technical debt I've added to the software I've written here. I'd say it's between 10% to 15%. That's not so much because I'm just a brilliant developer, its more because at least half of what I do is maintain something that someone else wrote 10 or more years ago. And there are very serious consequences for modifying code without first getting permission, which is hard to get.

    I think you touched upon something related when you spoke about how an organization could measure their technical debt. I'm referring to doing code reviews. Not directly addressing technical debt, but certainly related to it. We don't do any code reviews here. In fairness to where I work now, I'll say that of all the places I've worked, none of them have been open to doing code reviews.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.