• Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Thursday, February 21, 2019 8:18 AM

    Eric M Russell - Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:44 AM

    70,000 seems like a lot. It makes me wonder if this is an internal list of people who were actually caught stealing from this specific chain of stores, or maybe it was something like a black list of known shoplifters that is shared by the retail community or acquired from a 3rd party provider. I'm just theorizing here and maybe drifting off topic, but I can imagine a scenario where retailers have facial recognition functionality built into their security camera system, and then they subscribe to a mugshot database of known offenders. Why else would the store maintain a database of shoplifters?

    70,000. A lot and not a lot. Most breaches are in the millions, so this is fairly small. 

    I'm not sure this was just shoplifters but suspected criminals. no idea why they keep this, but it's not a great idea to not secure the data.

    <humor>Correcting your typo...

    no idea why they keep this, but it's a horribly bad idea to not secure the data

