• The more things change...sigh.

    "Full stack developer" = "Jack of all trades, master of none"

    I used to do our email server, our networking, our backup and disaster recovery, our computer support, our development, our database design, and DBA stuff too.

    Thank GOD the C-level folks decided to farm out the infrastructure stuff to a third party, leaving me with software design, database design, a few sysadmin duties (mainly onboarding new users) and desktop/laptop procurement. As our company grew over the years it became too much for one person to handle, KISS be damned.

    Although I will say that developers MUST understand relational database design, full stop. If you don't you get horrific messes like XML and JSON, not to mention pure EAV database designs and all the other SQL horror stories.

    Should companies realistically expect to be able to hire full stack developers? (and pay them junior developer salaries)?

    No. Hell no.

    Development is complex enough between security, front end applications, and databases, not to mention the swiss-cheese that is the web. Start mixing networking, hardware, servers, email management etc. and you're just dreaming of an IT Superman.

    Do such people exist? Perhaps a handful--in the entire WORLD. Good luck getting them to work for you.

    Having said that, and having been a (poor man's version) of that, I'll tell you this. Yes, a small company has to have somebody that can muddle their way through all of it, half-assing most things and being good at a couple. But as companies grow, you need specialists.

    Polymaths are way too rare to run a civilization on!