• SSCrazy, well said.  I think your point about Gmail is especially good.  Have you ever read Google's terms and conditions?  At least here in the US if you put something on Google Drive even they have the right to redistribute, publish, create derivative works, perform it, and a host of other rights that essentially give them every right of an author without actually saying you turn over the copyright.  But...we don't have to use Google.  Gmail is free and uses all the data any way they want and tell you they do, if you don't like it then you can get office 365 which is much more restrictive in how they can use your data.  Perhaps not as restrictive as some people might like but I don't see anyone coming out with an email system that charges enough so that the operators would not need to use the private data.  At least if they are out there I haven't heard of them and apparently they can't get enough to advertise well and if they did would enough people use them?  
    You can have privacy, it just means things are a lot less convenient.  So what I think the real desire is many people want the privacy AND get all the free stuff.  
    Question, do you think HIPAA has really given us control of our health care data or just made it more difficult and costly to get it where it needs to go? Actually that's probably a continuum not an either or.  I think it's made it much more costly and inconvenient for very little actual privacy.