• Was correct in assuming that what you asking for was not really the real requirement.

    Changing the delimiter alone is not the solution if you have to parse the file before using bulk insert - better one of the following solutions

    Assuming that the file is properly formatted as a CSV you can try the scriipt on this link http://bradsruminations.blogspot.com/2011/01/so-you-want-to-read-csv-files-huh.html

    another options, and possibly better is to use powershell to read the file and load directly to the database - not always feasible but more functionality.
    there are a few around - you can use Chrissy LeMaire one https://blog.netnerds.net/2015/09/import-csvtosql-super-fast-csv-to-sql-server-import-powershell-module/ or adapt it but the bulk of how to is there.