• If there's a decent dashboard for SS, Win, Unix/Linux, Oracle, and Networking, I'd like to see it.  Spotlight works well for us (smallish-to-medium business with a lean staff) for SS and Windows dashboard and alerting, but it doesn't do the rest.  Oracle has it's own Enterprise Manager, but it doesn't monitor other things well.  Zabbix for Unix, SolarWinds for LAN/WAN/Networking.  I've worked with Nagios and have unfortunately been exposed to HP OpenView once upon a time.

    SolarWinds and Nagios and others can monitor anything, but the setup/maintenance doesn't seem to make them a good fit (not to mention cost for some of them!).  A better solution for me would be a NOC-like 4-6 block of monitors, each showing a dashboard for what they monitor best.  I'm currently using Grafana as a front end for Zabbix and it just might be the SPoG for some, but we don't currently have anything that it could use for SS.

