• george_at_sql - Thursday, July 12, 2018 10:28 AM

    sanket.wagh7689 - Thursday, July 12, 2018 9:37 AM

    Mike01 - Thursday, July 12, 2018 7:09 AM

    There was some bad data in there, that e didn't account for.  I added the criteria below

       ;WITH CTE AS (
            select pcode,pkey, RowEffectiveDate, rowenddate, RowEffectiveDateCalc, RowEndDateCalc,
                    RowEffectiveDateCalc CurRowEffectiveDateCalc, RowEndDateCalc CurRowEndDateCalc
             from (
                     SELECT pcode,pkey, RowEffectiveDate, rowenddate
                                ,cast(RowEffectiveDate as date) RowEffectiveDateCalc
                                ,cast(rowenddate as date) RowEndDateCalc
                                , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY pcode ORDER BY RowEffectiveDate, rowenddate, PKey) AS rn
                     FROM DimPro
                     --where PCode = 'TX5125'
                    ) X
                where rn = 1
            union all
                select c.pcode, c.pkey, c.RowEffectiveDate, c.rowenddate, c.RowEffectiveDateCalc, c.RowEndDateCalc,
                        c.RowEffectiveDateCalc CurRowEffectiveDateCalc, c.RowEndDateCalc CurRowEndDateCalc
                from (
                    SELECT NextRow.PCode, NextRow.Pkey, NextRow.RowEffectiveDate, NextRow.rowenddate
                            ,cast(NextRow.RowEffectiveDate as date) RowEffectiveDateCalc
                            ,cast(NextRow.rowenddate as date) RowEndDateCalc
                            ,cast(CurRow.RowEffectiveDate as date) CurRowEffectiveDateCalc
                            ,cast(CurRow.rowenddate as date) CurRowEndDateCalc
                            ,Row_Number() over (partition by NextRow.pcode order by NextRow.RowEffectiveDate, NextRow.rowenddate, NextRow.PKey) AS rn
                    FROM CTE CurRow
                        join DimPro NextRow
                        on CurRow.PCode = NextRow.PCode
                        and NextRow.RowEffectiveDate <= NextRow.rowenddate
                        and DateDiff(day, CurRow.RowEndDateCalc, cast(NextRow.RowEffectiveDate as date)) = 1
                    ) c
                where rn = 1

        select * from CTE
        order by 1, 2

    Works like a charm and within seconds. Can you please tell me what was the bad data that was causing a problem?
    Also, if there any way we can write all these unwanted/overlapping records to a file so that we can identify them in others tables too and remove them?

    You have records whose end_dates is less than the start date which is prevented by the following condition

    NextRow.RowEffectiveDate <= NextRow.rowenddate

    So if you

    select * 
       from dbo.dimPro 
    where rowenddate<roweffectivedate 

    you should be able to see the erroneous records.

    Thank you! you are all awesome.