• Interesting, there are tales of gigantic eels living in the cooling water outflows of some old coal fired powered stations - the divers charged with the responsibility of keeping the channels clear were not happy men, and they went through quite a lot of them... Seriously though, as a physicist, I am dismayed by all this talk of 'waste heat'. Any temperature differential can be used to do work, heat a greenhouse for example (and maybe use some of the waste 'greenhouse' gases in a greenhouse, to grow food, and other cash crops) The Dutch make good money from greenhouses, and export to the world. So it can be done, and profitably. In fact, any datacentre could also be used to heat and power and feed and accommodate the homeless... Silicon Valley being a prime example, where a lot of work needs to be done to ameliorate the harm done by the greedy 1% Just a bit of systems thinking needed. All MS is doing here is dump heat into another environment that may not be able to sustain it, just a cheap and ersatz green way of doing it...