• I agree with the tone of the earlier comments. My response would be "coding will morph into something else", or something that is called something else. Two of the really difficult things are: deciding what you want to represent - "the Model" and deciding and then expressing what you actually want to do with it. Both of those remain hard.

    Does anyone else remember "The Last One"?  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_One_(software) 🙂
    This was supposed to be "The last program you needed to write"! in 1981! Substitute your favourite 4GL or other program generator techology for "The Last One".

    Past experience in IT and other industries indicates that it takes a long time for something like "coding" to go away completely. The places where such activities go away first are where the product is standard and process repetitive - we see that again and again in IT. The places where these activities remain are where fundamental decisions are needed and where we are pushing close to the limits of something.

    Tom Gillies LinkedIn Profilewww.DuhallowGreyGeek.com[/url]