• Hi Mike,
    To restore a database to an AOAG cluster, you would:
    1) Remove the database from Availability Group
    2) Drop the database on the Secondary
    3) Restore the database on the Primary
    4) Back up the database on the Primary
    5) Back up the transaction log of the database on the Primary
    6) Restore the database on the Secondary with No Recovery
    7) Restore the transaction log on the Secondary with No Recovery
    8) Run a command on the secondary similar to:  ALTER DATABASE xxxx SET HADR AVAILABILITY GROUP = [my AG]
    9) Run a command on the primary similar to:  ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP [my AG] ADD DATABASE [xxxx]
    For restoring a database on a FCI (Failover Cluster Instance) with no AOAG's, the process would be to simply restore the database as you would on a stand-alone instance.