• I see what you're saying, and I totally agree wiht it, well, according to my understanding.

    I don't know how far did you go in your unpublished article, but if you'd followed the logic deep enough into the cave, you should have come to a conclusion that the main killer of creativity is Agile Development model.
    The direction the product development to take, design decisions, priorities, everything else what "makes up" the product - is decided on product owner level.
    Dev team can only get creative on how to do what they've been told to do, but they have no say on what has to be done.
    There is simply no space for engineers in this model.

    That must be why we don't see any innovations coming from well established companies.
    Even from the biggest innvators.
    Can you name anything from Google with its "most creative office environment" since Google Maps? They've closed every groundbreaking project they've started, except for self-driving car. It's still to be closed, because the whole idea is very "manager driven" one, there is no engineering in it.
    Any one else?
    Tesla? It's 180 years old design, and if not subsidies and political presure it would not have a chance of surviving, just like back then.

    All IT inventions came from garages. Nothing new comes from multi-storey offices.

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