• Some code formatting food for thought...
    For cases where I need to repeat the same expression multiple times you can create on "on-the-fly" inline function to simplify your code. In Lynn's code this expression is repeated a couple times:

    You can simplify the code using the Table Value constructor like this:
    SELECT LEFT(f.vi,LEN(f.vi) - f.pos), RIGHT(f.vi, f.pos - 1)
    FROM (VALUES (CHARINDEX('-',REVERSE(@VendItemNumber)), @VendItemNumber)) f(pos,vi);

    For situations with longer expressions that are called several times you will see much cleaner code and without any performance penalty. In fact, there are times where you will see a performance improvement in cases where the optimizer is not smart enough to realize that it only needs to calculate the same expression once.

    There is no performance penalty for doing this, actually - there are times where you will see a performance improvement. For example, run this will "include actual execution plan" turned on:

    -- sample data 
    CREATE TABLE #sometable(someid int identity, somevalue decimal(10,2));
    INSERT #sometable(somevalue) VALUES (100),(1050),(5006),(111),(4);

    DECLARE @var1 int = 100, @var2 int = 50, @var3 int = 900, @topPct tinyint = 90;
    -- version 1 with repeated formula
        someCalculation =
      CASE WHEN @var3 < somevalue THEN (@var1/(@var2*2.00))+@var3 ELSE @var3+somevalue END,
    someRank = dense_rank() OVER (ORDER BY
      CASE WHEN @var3 < somevalue THEN (@var1/(@var2*2.00))+@var3 ELSE @var3+somevalue END)
    FROM #sometable
    WHERE CASE WHEN @var3 < somevalue THEN (@var1/(@var2*2.00))+@var3 ELSE @var3+somevalue END
    BETWEEN 900 AND 2000
    ORDER BY -- simulate another event that causes a sort
      CASE WHEN @var3 < somevalue THEN (@var1/(@var2*2.00))+@var3 ELSE @var3+somevalue END;

    -- version 2 with inline alias
    someCalculation = itvf.result,
    someRank   = dense_rank() OVER (ORDER BY itvf.result)
    FROM #sometable
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES(CASE WHEN @var3 < somevalue THEN (@var1/(@var2*2.00))+@var3
         ELSE @var3+somevalue END)) itvf(result)
    WHERE itvf.result between 900 and 2000
    ORDER BY itvf.result;

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001