• Sue_H - Monday, February 12, 2018 12:40 PM

    Alexander Zhang - Monday, February 12, 2018 8:50 AM

    Interesting. My confusion is, what the system logins are. Generally, I consider them some built-in logins such as sa, NT SERVICE\xxx, etc.
    In the company I'm working for, Service Account means the account which is used by MSSQL Services, and Application Accounts are for applications( such as Website and other applications ).

    The user was asking about system accounts (not logins) and then asked about SQL logins. Two very different things that Thom explained well.
    NT SERVICE\xxx -  those are generally virtual accounts, not built in logins. Virtual accounts explained in this documentation:
    Configure Windows Service Accounts and Permissions


    Thanks for your explanation and correction. Glad to learn something:-)

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