• Since trace has more information as to who,where,when I have created a job called 'DBA - Notify System Changes'  with the code below, Also I am using Alert to detect system changes and trigger the job. 

    Job Code:
    -- set servername in subject line
    declare @sub nvarchar(255) = 'SQL Server Instance configuration has been changed ' + cast(@@servername as nvarchar)

    -- pick one mail profile if there are multipal mail profiles
    declare @pf nvarchar(255)
    select top 1 @pf= sp.name from msdb..sysmail_profile sp
    join msdb..sysmail_profileaccount spa on sp.profile_id=spa.profile_id
    join msdb..sysmail_account sa on spa.account_id=sa.account_id

    DECLARE @trc_path VARCHAR(500)
    SELECT @trc_path=CONVERT(VARCHAR(500),value) FROM fn_trace_getinfo(DEFAULT)
    WHERE property=2

    --print @trc_path

    declare @Qry varchar(8000) ='SELECT TEXTData,HostName,ApplicationName,DatabaseName,LoginName,SPID,StartTime,EventSequence FROM fn_trace_gettable('''
    set @Qry=@Qry + @trc_path +''',1) fn WHERE TEXTData LIKE ''%Configuration option%'' and EventClass = 22'

    --print @Qry

    --declare @q=

    EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail
    @profile_name = @pf,
    @recipients = 'sendIT2me@somewhere.com',
    @subject = @sub ,
    @body = 'System configuration has been changed ',
    @execute_query_database = 'master',
    @query = @Qry

    --, @attach_query_result_as_file = 1
    --, @query_attachment_filename = 'configuration.csv'
    , @query_result_header = 0
    , @query_result_width = 32767
    , @query_result_separator = ','
    , @query_result_no_padding =1

    Alert Code :

    USE [msdb]

    /****** Object: Alert [Alert - System Changes]  Script Date: 2/9/2018 1:46:35 PM ******/
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name=N'Alert - System Changes',
            @event_description_keyword=N'Configuration option',
            @job_name='DBA - Notify System Changes'