• I'm not fond of the static years in this code.  Perhaps it could be converted to a dynamic pivot
    declare @t table (    
        startdate date,
        enddate date
    declare @n table (
        Nbr tinyint
    insert @n values(0),(1),(2),(3),(4)
    insert @t values
        ('12/1/2013',    '1/10/2017'),
        ('11/1/2013',    '11/10/2016'),                    
        ('1/1/2013',    '1/31/2014')
    select StartDate, Enddate, [2013] as [2013], [2014] as [2014], [2015] as [2015], [2016] as [2016], [2017] as [2017]
    from (
            DATEPART(YEAR, (DATEADD(YEAR, n.Nbr, t.StartDate))) AS [Year],
                case DATEPART(YEAR, (DATEADD(YEAR, n.Nbr, t.StartDate)))
                    when datepart(year,startdate) then t.startdate
                    else CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, (DATEADD(YEAR, n.Nbr, t.StartDate))) AS CHAR(4)) + '-01-01'
                case DATEPART(YEAR, (DATEADD(YEAR, n.Nbr, t.StartDate)))
                    when datepart(year,enddate) then t.enddate
                    else CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, (DATEADD(YEAR, n.Nbr, t.StartDate))) AS CHAR(4)) + '-12-31'
            ) AS DayCnt
        from @t t
        inner join @n n on n.Nbr < datepart(year,t.enddate) - datepart(year,t.startdate) + 1
    ) p
    pivot (
        for [Year] in ([2013], [2014], [2015], [2016], [2017])
    ) as pvt
    order by startdate, enddate